Effective school leadership is a crucial lever of school transformation. A school principal plays a vital role in shaping the culture of the school and articulates the vision and mission of the school. The principal is also expected to set clear expectations for teachers and learners and lead and manage teams of teachers who can deliver high-quality education for every learner in the school. A school principal is not only expected to manage the school resources but is also expected to support all staff members in the school. Thus, the quality of leadership provided by a principal has a direct bearing on successful curriculum delivery to change learner outcomes for the better.

The Department of Basic Education’s (DBE) Integrated Strategic Planning Framework for Teacher Education and Development in South Africa (ISPFTED-SA, 2011-2025), and points out Teacher Induction and Mentoring as a critical aspect for the Professional Development of Teachers and Principals. Additionally, circular number 1 (HRD/2012) from the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) requires all newly appointed personnel within the public service sector to undergo a compulsory induction programme (CIP) regardless of the incumbent’s prior background, knowledge, skills, and experiences.

Thus, the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) mandates the Leadership and Management Unit of the Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance (MGSLG) to conduct an Induction Programme for all newly appointed principals and deputy principals (appointed during the 2022-2023 financial year) in the Gauteng Province. The Induction Programme for newly appointed principals and deputy principals is underpinned by the GDE’s Strategic Pillar 3, namely “Leadership and Management” which deals with all leadership and management within the school sector.

The overarching aim of the Induction Programme is to equip all newly appointed principals and deputy principals with the knowledge that they require to effectively do their jobs as well as an understanding of their specific workplace context and how their roles align with the priorities of the school.

The MGSLG’s Induction Programme comprises 4 modules which are dispersed throughout the 2023-2024 financial year: namely, Induction (Overview); Curriculum Management; Financial Management; and Induction Support. Collectively, these four induction modules aim to empower newly appointed principals and deputy principals to adjust confidently to their new professional roles. More importantly, the induction programme gives expression to the Policy on the South African Standard for Principalship 2015.


The curriculum management module was delivered over two days. The 24th and the 25th of July 2024 at Birchwood Hotel.

Some of the major topics included but not limited to, the structural arrangements of the education system at the provincial, district and school level; Legislation and policy frameworks impacting on school leadership; Leadership and management in a school; key roles and responsibilities of school principals; and the nine focus areas of a whole school development.

Attendees Induction for newly appointed principals

Attendees Induction for newly appointed principals