Seeing that there are several stakeholders within the education sector, offering the same services in different ways and in different districts, the Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance (MGSLG), in collaboration with the National Association of Social Change Entities in Education (NASCEE), invited education stakeholder to a seminar with the aim to foster networking, collaboration and partnership.

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Over the years MGSLG working jointly with GDE have been embracing the concept of Multi-Certification within Schools of Specialisation (SoS). This approach allows learners to earn certifications in various fields, such as entrepreneurship while pursuing their co-curriculum. By integrating Entrepreneurship Education (EE), learners acquire multiple certifications that improve education, employability, and entrepreneurial skills.

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Johannesburg Regional Chapter Seminar 2024

Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance (MGSLG), in partnership with NASCEE, hosted a thought-provoking seminar focusing on “Collaboration and Partnerships at the District Level to Strengthen Educational Outcomes.” This pivotal event reflectected on the critical role of district-level partnerships in improving the quality of education in South Africa.

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With deepest Symphathy

Our hearts go out to the families, friends, and community of the learners from Karabo Primary School in Soweto, who tragically lost their lives to food poisoning. May their memories live on and bring comfort to those grieving. May you find strength and support during this difficult time. Our thoughts are with you. The Matthew…

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School Governing Body Is Instrumental In Improving Teaching And Learning

The unique concept of School Governing Bodies (SGBs) in South Africa was established with the passing of the South African Schools Act (SASA) 84 of 1996. This act gives parents, educators, non-educators, learners, and community members a formal role in school governance. This promotes strong community involvement in schools, enhancing educational outcomes through shared responsibility…

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Induction Of The Newly Appointed Principals And Deputy Principals

Effective school leadership is a crucial lever of school transformation. A school principal plays a vital role in shaping the culture of the school and articulates the vision and mission of the school. The principal is also expected to set clear expectations for teachers and learners and lead and manage teams of teachers who can deliver high-quality education for every learner in the school. A school principal is not only expected to manage the school resources but is also expected to support all staff members in the school. Thus, the quality of leadership provided by a principal has a direct …

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Intervention To Support Schools That Are Performing Below 70%

The Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance (MGSLG) continues to support the identified under-performing schools in the Gauteng Province. In its intervention tactics the MGSLG decided to capacitate all stakeholders that are involved in the process of managing and supporting schools including School Governing Body (SGB). This intervention process seeks to ensure that schools…

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SA Needs Comprehensive Psychosocial Support

-UNICEF South Africa’s report states that “Children in South Africa are exposed to a lot of trauma, violence, abuse and neglect’’. It further states that “In these situations, children have little control, and they need someone to step up and hold their hand through the storm that trauma brings’’.
Therefore, the Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance (MGSLG) as an institute that is responsible for driving change to improve people’s lives, has been executing exactly that and has the eagerness to continuously combat psychosocial issues in all corners and corridors of the Gauteng Province.

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