Three Streams Model

Ensure that learners in 19 subjects, irrespective of their abilities, have the opportunity to develop competences for meeting challenges and taking up opportunities in the fast changing 21st century and are also guided to apply knowledge and skills in ways that are meaningful to their development. Target AudienceTechnical educators

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SSIP Teacher Development

Assist teachers in the priority schools to develop their content knowledge and teaching methodologies to better conduct assessment for improved learning. Teachers will receive intensive support through direct training contact and ICT support including broadcasts, cell-phone support and coaching. Target AudienceAll teachers in priority schools for Accounting, Business Studies, Economics, Geography, History and English are…

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Inclusion Focus Week – Barriers to learning

Provide Continuous Professional Development points. Psychologists, Social Workers and Counsellors are included well as school therapists (Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech therapists and Audiologists) are included as facilitators. Topics Include– Hearing and Fitting Fundamentals Autism– Handwriting– Sitting and Positioning– Attention Deficit Disorder– Neuroscience of Learning– Ethics and Good Practice Target AudienceSupport staff and educators

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