AllBELA COLOQUIUM Attendees walk towards the registration point. REGISTRATION PROGRAMME DIRECTORSLeft: Ms. Cathy Mohlahlana Right: Dr. Dempsey Noge OPENINGFrom left to right Dr. Reginah Mhaule Hon. Matome Chiloane Mr. Tsĕliso Ledimo Mr. Sibusiso Mahlangu Mr. Manaha Matakanya MGSLG CEO Mr. Sibusiso Mahlangu MEC: Gauteng Education, Arts & CultureHon. Matome Chiloane MGSLG Board ChairMr. Tsĕliso Ledimo DBE: Deputy MinisterDr. Reginah Mhaule Panelists and the ModeratorProf. Mary Metcafe Mr. James NdlebeMs. Nompendulo Mkhatshwa Adv. Maisa Jeremiah Merabe Dr. David Matsepe ModeratorMs. Nompendulo Mkhwatshwa Education Policy ExpertProf. Mary Metcafe Chief Director: DBEMr. James Ndlebe SADTU ResearcherDr. David Matsepe BELA Act Draft Panel MemberAdv. Maisa Jeremiah Merabe Q & A Q & A Q & A Q & A Attendee of the Bela Act Colloquium signs the petition to agree that they are concurrent with the BELA Act. Attendee of the Bela Act Colloquium signs the petition to agree that they are concurrent with the BELA Act. Attendee of the Bela Act Colloquium signs the petition to agree that they are concurrent with the BELA Act. Attendee of the Bela Act Colloquium signs the petition to agree that they are concurrent with the BELA Act. Attendee of the Bela Act Colloquium signs the petition to agree that they are concurrent with the BELA Act. MGSLG CEO & Board MembersMr. Sibusiso Mahlangu Mr. Bengeza Mthombeni Ms. Tlangi Mogale Ms. Sivuyisiwe Gwebani Mr. Alex Mdakane Panelist & a Board MemberLeft: Adv. Maisa Jeremiah Merabe Right: Ms. Catherine Constantinides DBE: Deputy Minister & DBE: Chief DirectorLeft: Dr. Reginah Mhaule Right: Mr. James Ndlebe PanelistLeft: Prof. Mary Metcafe SGB Audience Audience Audience Audience Audience Audience Audience Audience Audience Audience Audience